Saturday, September 8, 2012

The New Crisis

One of the greatest elements of God's plan is The Family.  Why is the Family so important? We are the Spirit Children of God, we each lived with him before the world was created.  When the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, were created, they were married by God with the commandment to create families.  After being cast out of the Garden of Eden, they began to have children.  Adam was commanded by God to stay faithful to his wife, and raise his posterity in righteousness.  As Adam and Eve had children, God's spirit children came down to earth and gained a body.  As his children had children, the same thing happen.  They were raised in families and taught by their parents.  However there were some who rejected their parents teachings and followed Satan.

Families can provide a safe haven for God's children to learn and grow, by loving parents.  In a righteous family the spirit children of our Heavenly Father are to learn the gospel in safety.  However, it is under attack.  Because the family has so many strengths, Satan is working hard to break them up.  There are many outside influences that are working to destroy the family.  It isn't hard to find.  The greatest threat comes inside the home.  It starts with the abuse of family roles.  What are the roles of the family?

Fathers, by God's design are to Provide, Preside and Protect.  They are to lead and guide their family in wisdom and righteousness.  They are to see that the needs of the family are met.  They are also responsible to keep the family safe, and they are to lead by righteous example.  None of these principles can be without the other.  If one is abused each will fall apart.  Fathers are to teach their children correct principles and be there in their children's lives.  What they teach determines their success.  Fathers have an influential part of their children.  They may not see it, but everything that fathers do leaves an impression on the young hearts.  Men need to love and support their wives.  When they can they should help out around the house.  How men treat their spouse will effect how their children treat others.  Fathers provide an important element in the home that others can't.  When it is abused it hurts the whole family for generations. (Watch a video about Fathers)

Mothers are just as important as Fathers.  Neither one is greater or lesser than the other, no matter what Hollywood portrays.  The world and popular media may try to place one above the other but in God's eyes they are no different from the other.  Mothers are mainly responsible for the nurture of their children.  They are to provide moral support to their children as they are being structured into the individuals God needs them to be.  Mothers have a special place in God's work.  It allows them to work almost side-by-side with God in building the righteous leaders of tomorrow.  They need to work along side their husbands (and the men with their wives) in order to build a strong family.  Both men and women will be held accountable by God for what they have done with their family.  If both parents (not one or the other) obey God's commandments they are most able to build the strongest families. (Watch a video about Mothers)

Children have the role of helping their parents where ever possible.  Teens are not exempt from this responsibility.  They are to "Honor their (parents)". This is one of the original commandments.  Parents work day and night to raise their children.  It is only fair that the children help out.  There will be chores to do and parties to miss,  but building strong families makes strong everlasting friendships that no one can replace.  Those are worth more than any party in the world combined.  Your family will be your greatest support so long as you are obeying God's commandments.

Remember, everything is as strong as it's weakest point.  Even though you have every principle in the book to help you, if they are not properly in place your family becomes weaker.  Selfishness, anger, greed and jealousy are common elements in broken families.   When the parents or children allow feelings of anger of any kind invite Satan in.  Addictions of any kind separate family members!  By keeping gospel principles the family stays close together and close to God.  It is important that they stay together and learn correct principles in order to keep stay together.  If there is anything contrary to gospel standards those influences should be removed and kept out.  Strong Families build strong individuals.  Strong individuals build strong communities.  Strong communities build strong nations.  Protect the family, everything depends on that.

Learn the basic structure of the family by clicking here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Forgiveness is something I've found to be really difficult.  Sometimes I don't want to forgive this person because they offended or hurt me.  There are times I think it is totally unfair that they get away with it.  But when I think in such a way as that, I'm forgetting the blessings that follow Forgiveness.

Painting by Howard Lyon
There is a story in the New Testament where the Savior was confronted by the Pharisees with a woman caught in the act of Adultery.  In a possible attempt to trick Christ into saying something wrong, they asked what shall we do with this woman?  The response was simple and clear, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."  Condemned by guilt the priests walked away, beginning at the oldest to the youngest.  A woman who committed a great crime was promptly forgiven.  But what responsibility does that leave me?
We are all sinners, and have fallen short of the Glory of God.  But Christ enables us to be exalted so long as we repent and follow him through the Atonement.  However, some of us stop our own progression short.  Forgiveness is letting go of a burden we ourselves taken or others might have given.  It is letting go of the past and moving on with life.  Look at the picture above.  Notice how everyone on the right is carrying a red robe.  The woman is dropping hers.  The red robes represent sin.  The Pharisees are holding on to theirs.  Their pride is keeping them from enjoying the love of the Savior.  By being unforgiving is like holding onto that robe.  The Savior says it best when he asks, why do you judge your fellow men when you are no more perfect than them?
Forgiveness allows us to love our fellow men.  It helps us see the good in others and accepting them as part of God's family.  When we cease to find fault with our neighbor we put on a Mantle of Charity, and wish for their good rather than their punishment.  It uncovers our eyes enabling us to see their true self rather than their outward appearance.  If you really think about it, you don't need to forgive ANYONE.  But God does NOT need to give you ANY of the blessings you would receive if you did forgive.  So if you want God to bless you, or even forgive your wrongs, stop holding onto your hurt and move on.  Why? Because how we judge is how we will be judged in return (See also 3 Nephi 14:1).  It is not our place to judge but God.  Only he knows the truth behind everything.
Stop carrying your stones of hate, shed your robes of sin and hate, and put on a Mantle of Charity.  Stop finding fault with others and learn to love even your enemies.  The Savior did it and he had every reason not to.  But we are required to forgive and we are reward for each of our actions.  The speed of your progression is determined by how my rocks you have in your bag.  Lose those rocks and enjoy the journey.

 See how one man was able to forgive:
Christ Forgives:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eternal Marriage

There are two things I've heard regarding marriage that I've found interesting.  One is marriage is a "old non-applicable" ideal that has died with the "evolution" of society.  I've also heard that marriage only lasts on earth and cannot last in heaven.  I'm here to say both ideas are wrong.  Marriage is not a dying idea and has eternal truth behind it.  There is a way for it to last beyond mortality, but certain measures must take place.

All of God's commandments have an eternal lifespan.  Marriage is no exception.  Marriages begin the foot work for the building of a family.  God's plan revolves around families because they have a great importance in carrying out his work.  The first marriage began with Adam and Eve.  They were married by God in Eden, and he gave them the commandment to have children.  There is not one instance in the Bible or the Book of Mormon where that commandment has been lifted.  When men come of age they are to leave their parents and marry a woman of his choosing.  Men are to love their wives.  They are to provide, protect and preside over their families.  They are not to exercise unrighteous authority over them, but are to lead and guide with love and compassion.  Women are to care for and nurture their children.  Both are to help and assist each other when needed.  Marriage is the basis for strong families.  Studies have shown that children born to a man and a woman, lawfully wed as husband and wife, have greater chances of success than those born out of wed lock.

How can marriage last beyond the grave?  There is a special power that God has given to man.  It is not some superpower you find in comic books.  This power is called the Priesthood and is only give to men qualified or worthy to carry it.  The Priesthood is the Authority to act in God's name and is very easy to lose.  When Christ was on the earth he gave this power to Peter, and with that is the power to seal.  When a marriage is sealed, by the priesthood, it is fused together for eternity.  This enables a man and a woman to be together for eternity.  This may sound like a curse rather than a blessing to some.  The problem is selfishness.  A marriage is not meant to be a passport to pleasure.  It one of the most beneficial service opportunities as a man and a woman learn to get along and work together.

If a marriage is broken and beyond repair there must be a way to end it.  This is divorce.  To often, however, this is used as a quick fix when there is all possibility to repair damages.  Divorce should only be used when a spouse is unfaithful, abusive, or if there is absolutely no hope in its preservation.  Divorce should not be used over spilt milk.  There are too many people that selfishly get divorced over that reason.  Divorces are damaging.  It hurts not only the individuals breaking up, but also their children and sometimes their other family members.  If marriage problems arise seek council from a licenced marriage counselor or religious leader.  Don't go to your friends.  As a couple bring your problems before God and follow his direction through prayer and listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Marriage is a wonderful thing.  It is going to be hard, but everything that has a strong value comes at a great price.  Gospel study will help strengthen marriage only if those principles are applied and if married couples selflessly serve one another.  God has promised joy in marriage and will assist when needed.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks addresses marriage in these two videos below:
Hear "regular" people talk about selflessness in marriage:
Want to strengthen your marriage or family? Go to and learn more. You can also look at the Family Proclamation given by the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to learn the basic structure of the family.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Escaping Enemy Territory

I love learning about my family.  My grandfather told me some stories about a relative who served during WWII as a paratrooper.  This story is one of my favorites:
"Asael Lyman was part of the 82nd Airborne which went in behind the German lines into Holland. They were in wooden gliders and lost a third of their men before they even got on the ground. Only a handful of men survived this campaign.

"He goes from an innocent country boy to a battle hardened soldier in a matter of three days or so. He told me about trying to dig with his nose because he was in a partially dug foxhole and the Germans were trying to dig him out with a machine gun. Bullets were going through his clothes. The Americans were eventually pinned down and captured and put in a prison camp after riding for several days in a train boxcar where they could not lay or sit down so many were crammed into the cars.

"While in the camp, he saved the cigarettes he was supplied by the Red Cross in his mattress until he had enough to buy a few potatoes which he traded over the fence with the locals for a map, and compass, and two Italian worker's uniforms. He and an Italian man walked right out the front gate and hid in barns and other places until they got back to friendly forces.

"His parents didn't know he was alive for 6 months until he called from New York on his way home."
(W. Wilcken)

Aseal reached the Allied forces by listening to the Machine Gun fire of the two opposing armies.  You may not think they would be different, but because of the abilities of both armies, they manufactured different equipment.  Being trained to go behind enemy lines, Aseal knew what to look for.

We are in enemy territory right now.  Sounds stupid but think about it, Satan rebelled against God.  He is going around trying to destroy the souls of men, and we are stuck on his ground.  But it's not hopeless.  Even though we have a lot of opposition in our way, we can still make it back, even those under Satan's grip.  Our search for happiness or even truth will help us receive certain tools needed for the journey back home.  God has given us the scriptures for a map so as to have an idea what we need to do.  Heartfelt prayer provides direction in our journey, much like a compass.  As we pray, truly seeking God's help, we are given direction through the quiet whisperings of the Holy Ghost.  You can go ahead and ignore it if you want, you are not going to get everything you want following the Holy Ghost. But you will be the happiest.  The road is going to be rough, and you are guaranteed to experience opposition along the way.  But as you press forward towards your eternal goal (heaven), you will make it home.

Something I've found fascinating about the world around us, is everything has a certain "voice" or "feeling" telling us what it is.  This is better known as the Light of Christ.  We are born with the ability to tell good from evil.  No one is born bad.  As we try certain activities we will get a certain feeling about what it is.  When an activity is bad, our conscience will give us a bad feeling to warn us.  Because the rate of fire on a German machine gun is faster than an American one, Aseal was able to tell which army he was near.  When we feel good, it must be the place we are at is good.  If we get a bad feeling as we near a certain place, it is wise to stay away from that place.

God has given us the tools we need to make it home.  Christ has provided us a way to make it home.  We are separated from God here on earth.  He wants us home.  Can you imagine the homecoming when we make it to heaven?  Our job is not to sit there and wait to be rescued.  Often times it requires us to rise up and go, because Christ cannot save us in sin.  He asks us to leave our nets, follow him, and he will give us eternal life.  As we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost we are able to stay away from destructive influences that will tear us down.  The gentle promptings will only be felt so long as we invite it into our lives.  The spirit is neither loud nor forceful, but it's impression is greater than anything man has created.  That is what will lead us home.

President Boyd K. Packer tells us what the Spirit is there for:
Finding direction is most important.  See how to filter the voices:

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Don't go under the Tank.

I read a rather interesting book once.  It was written by a Vietnam War Vet and his experiences.  The writer was in a tank crew, and every new replacement was told to never sleep under the tank.  It rained constantly in Vietnam, it was tempting to go underneath the tank for protection.  For their own health and safety it was told not to go under.  One threat was bullets would ricochet off the thick metal.  But there was one a little more subtle.  One night, a new soldier decided he wanted to get out of the rain and decided to go under the tank, despite the constant warning not to.  As it continued to rain he feel asleep.  The next morning, the Sergent started looking for him and couldn't find him.  With the possibility of an enemy attack and they delayed the search for a couple hours.  After the threat passed, the writer began calling for the soldier only to hear a call for help behind the tank.  They soon discovered the soldier pinned underneath the tank as it was slowly, but surely, sank into the mud.  He was unable to get out.  The Sergent and the driver proceeded to drive the tank off the soldier.  It was incredibly painful for them to get the tank off the soldier.  Part of the tank ended up being dragged across the soldier.  When they got the tank off him, he was still alive.  But his clothes were in shreds, and he was skinned and bloody.

The world would pressure us to "get under the tank".  It will rain ideas to us which are exciting, but unhealthy.  They will seem appealing and exciting, but it results in pain and misery.  You will hear things like: dress immodestly, indulge in drugs and alcohol, look at pornography, each pushing you towards that which is degrading and unstable.  Slowly, but surely, the weight of our choices eventually sinks down on top of us, pinning us down making it hard to progress.  It is very easy to escape the rain by going under the world's wing.  The world will then put us to "sleep" so that you don't realize what it is doing to you.  Have you noticed ads involving drinking or smoking?  They do a great job at making it look fun, safe, and exciting.  It will also make you think you are in complete control.  But it reality it steals your ability to chose wisely leaving you in miserable and in with a dangerous consequence (2 Nephi 26:22).  If the soldier was awake, he would have noticed that his space was getting smaller and smaller.  He would have left his shrinking space.  But he fell asleep and couldn't escape.  Not without the painful experience of having that tank dragged across him.

The Prophet Alma talks about being "harrowed up to the greatest and racked with all (his) sins."  Acts that he had done brought incredible misery to his soul.  What does harrowed mean?  A harrow is a tool used by farmers to break up the ground.  It is dragged behind a tractor.  Imagine having one of those dragged over you. It would hurt.  Sin is like a harrow, it breaks apart our soul.  Sin, or the act of doing wrong, does not bring good, it leaves us in a broken miserable state.  You can say your soul would look like that soldier after having that tank dragged across him. A mess.  But there is hope.  Alma, in his anguish called upon God begging for forgiveness for the things he had done wrong.  His burden was lifted off him and his joy was as great as his pain and he couldn't remember it anymore.  Repentance helped relive the pain he felt as he cast his burden upon the Savior.  So long as we repent and sin no more, the Atonement of Jesus Christ is able to lift our troubled soul out of captivity of the devil.  This makes our joy greater than our pain.  Strive to follow the example of the Savior and allow his Atonement to work inside you.

Wrong doing is painful to get out of.  Unless you stop the behavior before it settles in.  If you are guilty of doing something wrong stop immediately.  If you have been doing it for some time, seek help and get out.  It may be hard and painful, but it is better than being crushed by your guilt and is worth the few scrapes and bruises to stop.

How do you repent? Click here.

Still not enough?  Maybe this will help:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Land of Liberty

I love reading about history and going through the Book of Mormon.  I find it absolutely fascinating how everything is repeated over and over again.   Often the patterns don't change.  Sure, the event may be different, but the cycles are not.  A repeated phrase in the Book of Mormon is, "inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land." Who's commandments?  Not an earthly government's, but God's commandments.  Why?  God is the ruler of heaven and earth.  He created us and wants us to be happy.  However He will not support us in wickedness.  Now pull out your Bible, Book of Mormon, or your grandpa's history book and read through it.  How many nations rise and fall?  Every single one, except for maybe a few today.  Israel rose and fell multiple times.  So did Babylon, Rome, and every other nation has repeated this pattern.  A common way this happens is the nation will grow lazy, evil/wicked/corrupt, and begin to do things God asks (not demands) us not to do.  Because God will not support Wickedness he leaves them to their own devices till they come to him repentant.  A nation that ONCE was a good nation that CHOOSES to leave God cannot and will not prosper.

Another thing promised in the Book of Mormon that the land which the inhabitants lived in, would be a land of liberty (2 Nephi 1:72 Nephi 10:11Ether 2:12).  This is not only applied to the American continent, even though it would feel that way.  All nations are promised prosperity so long as they OBEY and FOLLOW God's commandments.  God will help preserve your liberty so long as you obey his Commandments.  This can be applied to a national/global level or brought down to the level of an average human being.  The concept is the same; obey God and prosper.  It is never the other way around.

At the formation of the American nation, after the Constitution was ratified, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government they made.  His response was, "A Republic," as long as you can keep it.  Now before you throw a political label on me, I am not supporting any political party in anyway shape or form.  Mr. Franklin made a very important point.  Freedom does not come without responsibility, neither does Salvation.  We are given Freedom so long as we are willing to preserve that which we treasure most.  A person that gives a gift only for it to be trampled on will never again give any gift to that person.  The American nation has been tested and proved.  It has weathered many storms and will continue to do so so long as it's people are willing to keep the Commandments of God.  Independence Day is a day set apart to remember the sacrifices of our predecessors and what God has done for us in preserving a Free Nation where we can live in safety.  Never forget your responsibility and God will never leave you defenseless.  This promise remains in effect today and will remain that way until the people turn from God.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


What does it mean to Repent?  You've probably run into that word reading a book of some kind or a movie with some preacher giving a "crazy" sermon.  To Repent is to turn from our old destructive behavior to a more healthy behavior.  It is turning back to Christ and allowing him to work with us.  True repentance is more than feeling sorry or being told you've done wrong.  It is an act of faith to change yourself for the better.  You repent by:

  1. Recognizing you've done something wrong. If you don't know realize you have done wrong, you are not going to change.  A moral compass (conceince) helps here.
  2. Feel remorse (sorrow) for what you have done wrong. If you don't recognize the weight of the problem you are still not going to change and will go right back to the very thing that got you in trouble.  You're behavior will be, "Oh, I've done something bad.  But it wasn't that bad."  Not a good thought process.
  3. Quit the behavior. Get out and stay out before it's too late.  Feeling sorry and knowing you've done wrong requires action against the behavior.  If your house was on fire are you going to let it burn?
  4. Confess your wrong.   Depending of the gravity of the mistake will depend on who you need to confess your wrong to. A simple wrong against yourself, you confess to God in Prayer, and make an effort to fix it.  (Refer back to 3.)  Against someone else, you admit your wrong to the person you've done wrong to. Anything involving morality, addictions, or civil law; you better talk to your spiritual leader (bishop), parent or a trusted individual who can help you get help to resolve the problem.  It is important not to go back to the thing that got you in trouble in the first place.
  5. Make restitution. Repairs will need to be made whether with yourself or someone else you need to make sure everything is restored to order.  I read a quote once that said, ‎"Until we take responsibility for what we have done, the Atonement can't help us."  Unless you clean up the mess it is still a problem.  It hinders your ability to progress.
  6. Resolve never to do it again. just because the problem is fixed doesn't mean you won't come back to it. You need to decided NOW that you will never ever do that again for you own health and safety.  You are not going to have a snake bite you after getting treated for it the first time.  You should treat bad behavior the same way.
Sin is not being caught in the act and feeling bad. Sin is breaking a law.  God has set down rules for our prgression, not damnation.  As we obey these rules it makes it possible to excel. There isn't a grey area between justice and mercy.   You have done something bad or good.   Sometimes we make a mistake out of ignorance, that's okay.  Just don't do it again and everything will be fine.   Repentance is a way to become a more perfect person. 

One type of behavior that is just as destructive is saying "I can repent (or clean it up) later."  Such behavior makes a mockery of Christ's sacrifice for us because we are indugling in degenerate bahavior and expecting good to come from it.  Christ said, 'be ye perfect.'  Christ make it possible for us to be perfect.  But we need to become perfect ourselves by becoming a better person.  You can't turn refuse back into something good.  You have to remove it.  We just need to cast out burdens on him and follow him.  Christ had already paid the price for sin.  We need to take advantage of this gift NOW, so that we can enjoy the blessings of exaltation.  Once you are freed from your burdens you can enjoy life much more fully.  You become a more perfect person and are no longer held down by your past mistakes.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Purity: a Healthy Spirit

One of the stories of the Savior is when he comes across a leper who called on him saying, "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean."  Without hesitation the Savior said, "Be thou Clean."  Instantly the man was healed of his leprosy.  Someone who was a leper was often shunned from society.  The body was literally unclean, which explained the cause of leprosy.  The neglected body was taken over by the disease.  We all know the benefits of a healthy body.  The activities you can participate in are endless.  However, when the body is neglected by poor eating, lack of exercise, or exposure to harmful substances like drugs will destroy it.   Purity is caring for the spirit.

What is Purity? Obviously cleanliness, but it is in a perfect form.  Purity in spirit is being clean from sin.  But why is purity so important?  Every culture in the world has some method of purifying their people.  Even Atheists, but that is a civic thing.  Purification is a process in which the body/spirit is cleansed in order to prepare the person for a special event such as marriage or entering manhood to name a few.  In Ancient Israel, the Levites had to be purified because they handled the Priesthood (God's power) and were given charge of handling sacred objects, such as the Ark of the Covenant.  Prophets were subject to purification too.  The process was not some crazy ritual where there were tom-toms and chants all through out.  It was more of a process of the heart, a change of character.

The same thing applies today, and the process remains the same.  Before we can handle anything sacred was must be pure before God.  This does not mean become a germ-a-phobic just so that you can be clean on the outside.  A clean body is good, but a filthy spirit will keep us from God.  The Prophet Isaiah said to abstain from the unclean things of the world and to be clean in order to bear the vessels of the Lord.  The vessels of the Lord could be the Priesthood, positions of leadership or even raising children.  If we are not pure in heart why should we be allowed to touch those things that are important to God?  Someone who is impure will abuse the privileges and powers God gives them.

One of the great responsibilities of having a pure heart before God is to help others reach that point.  One way is to be an example to others.  Even though you seem to remain anonymous, there are people who are watching you.  If you follow the commandments given to us by God, others will see in your actions that you are special.  This will inspire them to change, because obedience to God brings happiness and everyone wants to be happy.  One of the changes that may come on you is you will want to see others succeed as well.

One thing that is guaranteed to happen when you purify yourself before God is you will abhor sin.  Everything the world has that is degrading and unhealthy to your soul will be rejected.  Just like a healthy body is more able to fight sicknesses and infections when it is healthy, your spirit will reject evil by telling you this is not good so long as it is pure.  The Holy Ghost can help play a role in that too.

The most important part of becoming pure is the Atonement.  No one can take away the effects of sin alone.  Just like a regular person cannot fix a broken bone with out medical help, we cannot cleanse ourselves from sin without the Savior.  Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane and took upon himself the punishments for sin.  Because of that we are purified so long as we repent of our sins and resolve never to do it again. Being unrepentant is like finding a black widow and having it bite you after getting treatment for it the first time.

In my studies I have discovered to know that purity before God brings a very special gift from Him.  In Doctrine and Covenants 50:28 it says that those who are pure can have possession over all things.  This does not mean you are entitled to riches and pomp.  But you are able to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God to which brings the greatest wealth, even greater than all the gold on this earth.  This is something that can only be obtained by the Holy Ghost which only available when one is obedient to God and lives worthy of the accompaniment of the Spirit.  Through Prayer, Diligent Scripture Study, Repentance and Obedience to the Commandments of God makes it possible for everything that God has promised is ours.  But only if we remain pure can this happen.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


As a youth I used to participate in simulated combat games. We used toy guns that fired small plastic BB's at each other in a game of domination.  We had rules set out for our safety and protection so that everyone could enjoy themselves.  All of us would buy our own gun and cared for that gun.  All of us carried a certain amount of ammunition in case our guns ran out of shot.  I myself would carry extra magazines for my guns and extra bottles of BB's and gas so that I could reload my guns.  Before and during the game I would constantly check my magazines and ammo to make sure I was ready to play.  Often my friends would see me checking my rifle magazine by spinning a small wheel that would reload my gun.  Sometimes I'd be spinning it for up to thirty seconds just to make sure my gun was loaded.  Because I was always ready I was able to stay on the field much longer than most of my friends.

Everyone of us are experiencing life in different ways.  Not all of us will lead the same life.  However certain principles apply to all of us.  Some of us just try going through "the motions" in our daily activities.  We go around doing what is expected of us because that's what everyone wants to do.  There are also people who just don't care and do what ever they want because it gets them in the "popular" crowd.  Often those people are left alone and miserable.  There is an proper form of attitude.  It does not just involve going through the basics, but instead of just going through them we live them.

There are points in the gospel that are pretty basic: go to church, read scriptures, obey the law, etc.  People who don't care will do everything they are counseled not to do because they are "free" without these restricting laws.  There are those that will follow these principles but only do it to stay out of trouble.  You can benefit the most from it by asking yourself, "How does this apply to me? How can it make me grow stronger and find happiness."  They then take a leap of faith and live the principles instead of just doing them.  Nephi was always ready to work.  He said I will go and do what God has asked of me, because he has a plan for me.  He showed a proper attitude of Faith.  What is that?  The proper attitude of Faith is not: "How bad can I be and still know Thee?" or "How good do I need to be?" But rather, "What do I need to do so that I can know Thee and find Joy?"  He didn't say "do I really have to do this?" or "I'll do it only because I have to."  He said "I will go and do what God has asked me, because I want to."  No one is forcing you to do anything.  But Obedience is a life long pursuit.  There are no short cuts, no breaks, no hall passes, and no vacations.  If you don't want to do it then don't do it.  But you are missing out on a lot of rewards from not keeping God's commandments.  Going through the motions is not directly breaking the commandments, your just refusing the reward that comes.  You are carrying only a little ammo and leaving the game early because you are out.  By exercising faith and being obedient to God's Commandments we are able to sufficiently "arm" ourselves so that the world doesn't bring us down to our knees.

The winners are not the guys who simply sit down and wait or take the "easy route" in life.  Winners do everything in their power and possession to make sure they succeed.  I can assure you it wasn't easy carrying all that stuff while playing combat games with my friends, but It helped me a lot when I got in a tight spot.  It is going to be hard just trying to live around in the world.  But a strong testimony and faith in God really helps.  Especially when the pressures really begin to come in.  You are not going to find exaltation on doing what you are supposed to do, but doing everything you can to obey the Lord because of your love for him.  And that makes all the difference in the world.

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Price to Pay

June 6, 1944 - Normandy, France
Look to the image on the right.  Could you stand in the shoes of those men and face what they faced?  These and many other men were someones son, brother, father, husband or friend.  Each had volunteered their lives for the freedom of others.  To them we owe much.  The greatest argument in the world would possibly be, "is war right?"  Yes and no.  It is an oxymoron but it is true.  War is only right when it is done in the defense of your home, family and country.  Defensive is not an offensive.  Let me show you God's rules of war and maybe you can see where it is right.

It hurts God to see his children fight.
I want to start in the Bible.  There is always some kind of war going on in the Bible.  But how often did Israel invade another country?  There are a few instances such as the Book of Joshua, and the Books of Kings (1 Sam - 2 Kings).  Most of the time Israel was defending it's borders whether from Egypt or Babylon.  The ten commandments did say, "Thou shalt not kill" but it does not say, "Thou shalt suffer yourselves to bear ever affliction even to the darkest prison."  God forbids war as a means of gain.  That is stealing.  But in order for God's laws or (if you don't believe in God) for your rights and privileges to be preserved there must be a means of defending them.  Sad to say you must fight for them.  War is evil, there is no denial of it.  I am sure that it hurts God to see his children fight.  But I know that until men learn to set aside their selfish interests and hate there will be no ended to war.  To give you an example of what will happen if you were to lose your freedoms, look at the Holocaust during World War II.  Evil men will do the most despicable things to show supremacy over another.  Everyone cannot disagree that such behavior would be right if they were to happen to yourself.  Neither is it right for that to happen to another.  God has commanded all his people to defend themselves to bloodshed if needs be.  BUT, they are not to be aggressors!  If someone makes a life threatening action against yourself your are justified in self defense.

Matt 24:40
The Lord has also commanded us to be peaceful and avoid war.  But the latter is impossible.  There will always be someone to try and destroy another.  We never know who it is, or where they will come from.  Therefore war is necessary to protect ourselves from a person who wants us as subjects.  Those who love war do so because it brings them money or power, or they just enjoy watching people suffer, they have the greatest mark on their heads.  You might as well say they have the mark of Cain.  Their death is almost guaranteed to be by the hands of others.
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick" - Theodore Roosevelt
Leaders of nations who command innocent men and women to fight their wars for them are responsible for the sufferings of others.  It is not the soldiers fault.  President George Washington had said, "Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession."  May I add that freedom was never prized so much until it was lost.  If you are not willing to fight for your freedoms, I understand.  I'm not all up for it either.  But at least show some support for those who have had to experience it.

I would love the day when swords will be beat into plow shears and the art of war is forgotten.  But so long as there are ruthless men out there seeking the destruction of others there will always be a need for defense.  May God continue to strengthen and assist the men and women in uniform who are fighting for the freedom of others.

Meet a veteran who served his country.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Infestation of the Soul

This blog is interactive.  I would invite the reader when they have read this to share ways we can fight the mentioned plague. I may add to this blog when I find materials that could help.  - Elder J. Ford

"Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof."
- Romans 6:12

Let's imagine something here, let's imagine something that isn't real.  Imagine you are at home and you suddenly hear the door being hit repeatedly.  Then you hear windows being smashed on the ground floor (if you have one).  Outside there are growls, moans and some screaming.  When you look outside you see a large group wandering outside.  None of them are walking right, and some have decaying flesh.  What you are seeing is a Zombie horde, and you are being attacked. (Back to reality.)

What is a Zombie?  By popular media definition it is a undead person that is rotting away and wants to kill you, eat you or just take your brain and turn you into one of them.  Simply put, it is for your best interests to stay away from them.  "Zombie experts" say you should stay in a secure area where they can't get in, have weapons on hand, thick clothing, and hold out till help comes to get you away from the drooling freaks.  I my opinion, don't even go near them.

Now I personally don't believe we will have a Zombie Apocalypse.  Zombies don't bring judgment anyway.  But there is a danger out there that is comparable to that of a Zombie horde.  That danger is Pornography.  Why pornography? Because that will destroy your mind much like a zombie would.  It will take control over your mind, and destroy your character.  Don't believe me?  That is only because you have never felt the explainable hunger and torment that comes from a porn addiction.  Pornography is everywhere and takes away everything you value.  Pornography destroys your character, families, marriages, relationships we have or might have, and your perception of the world.  It is something that you cannot allow into your life.  No one will ever be mature enough to handle it.

Scientists have proved that viewing pornography (visual or oral) rewires the brain until it is ruined.  Pornography to say the least is an addiction.  Addictions are bad, nothing can support that.  If you see it once you have to see it again and again.  Basically, you turn into a  zombie; mindless and heartless.  Also your very character begins to decay much like a zombie's body.  Your very actions are changed and people around will think you are being creepy.  Pornography also changes your view on people.  You don't see them as human beings, but objects.  You become selfish, un-sympathetic, and crave your new pleasure every second of everyday.  This is not like a sunny beach in Hawaii, it is one of the most tormenting things you will experience in your life.  It is not worth tampering with.
Now, how do you fight this.  Every video game, or movie, will show everyone scrabbling for weapons and immediately starts fighting off the horde.  They are trying to survive and get away.  What weapons can you use to fight pornography?  My favorite is the scriptures.  I consider it my primary weapon.  Using the scriptures helps build up the strength necessary to sand firm against dangerous influences such as pornography.  It directs you the path you need to take in order to fight these problems.  Prayer is important too.  If you do not pray to God, you will be left to yourself and that fight is not an easy one.  Church attendance, listening to counsel from parents and leaders, and your choice of friends play a huge role in it too.

The most important thing you can do is stay away from Pornography.  It don't matter how strong you are, you will not Survive.  President Gordon B. Hinckley says it best, "Stay away from them as you would the plague."  As fun as shooting zombies sounds, eventually you are going to run out of ammo. Melee weapons can't fight off very many for long and you are going to get tired fast.  So instead of becoming some movie hero and fight till your dead, it would be best to avoid fighting (if possible) until you can be evacuated out.  If someone offers you Pornography refuse it.  If it appears on your computer screen get off it, crash your computer if you have too.  Delete it off your phone, do everything you can to get rid of it. Most viruses come from porn sights (hint, hint, pun included).  So now you know what you are up against, act now and avoid the plague.  As you stay away from pornography you are able to have a strong peace of mind, closeness to friends and family and to God.  Pornography is not something you can live with, it's something you can live WITHOUT!  Throw out the garbage that comes from filth such as pornography and embrace an addiction free life.

 See the consequences that come from pornographic activity:

I know there is more we can add to this blog.  I would invite my readers to add to the comments how we can help fight the pornographic plague so others can be enlightened. Thank You! - Elder J. Ford (writer)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Greater than the Enemy before you

There is a story in the bible of Elisha the Prophet that I really enjoy.  The Israelite Nation and the Assyrian's were at war with each other.  At a critical time the Israelite camp was surrounded by the enemy and all hope of victory was gone.  The Servant of Elisha asked in desperation "What are we going to do?"  Elisha responded by saying, "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." Elisha then prayed to God that his servant's eyes could be opened so that he could see.  When the servant looked at the Assyrian army, he saw chariots of fire and the angels of God in greater number than that of the Assyrians.

Joshua 1:9
As we go through life we are going to have times where we feel as if the very world surrounds us giving us no hope for survival.  Standards are dropping, and everyone in the earth seems happy with it.  Many are pressuring you to do the same.  We can catch ourselves asking, "is this right?"  It must seem hopeless to try living in a world where your standards are regarded as pathetic.  But we do not need to despair.  We are not alone to go through blindly.  In fact God has provided us the means so as we are not alone in this world.  Christ told his Apostles after his resurrection, "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."  The same thing applies to us today.  Christ didn't send us out do the impossible.  He sent us out so that we may learn how we can become like him.  He has already accomplished the impossible.

Even though God will stand by ready to help us when in need, we may be discouraged by what we do not see.  Some of us may believe that we stand alone in a world of changing or different views.  There is a story from President Thomas S. Monson when he was in Navel Boot Camp during WWII.  He was standing at attention with his group when his petty officer began splitting everyone up into their religious groups so they could worship. Catholics to one area, Protestants to another, and Jews to some place else.  President Monson realized he was none of those, and decided to stand there.  He felt alone.

It never crossed his mind that there were others behind him till the Petty Officer ask, “And just what do you guys call yourselves?”  In unison the handful of sailors answered, "Mormons."  The Petty Officer then sent them someplace to where they could worship.

D&C 10:5
You are not the only one who thinks the way you do.  I've felt like I was the only one with my beliefs before.  As I grew older I found more people who felt the same I did, and those times alone helped me treasure the times I was grouped.  If you ever feel like you are completely and utterly alone, turn to the Savior and He will give you comfort and maybe even lead you to others just like you.  Prayer is your most powerful tool God has given you.  Use it.  You don't receive help unless you call for it.  God will send you the help you need when you ask for it.  Don't give up, keep moving forward.  The Reward is near.

For the full story and talk by President Thomas S. Monson, click here.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Freedom & Liberty

"Abide ye in the liberty wherewith ye are made free; entangle not yourselves in sin, but let your hands be clean, until the Lord comes." - Doctrine and Covenants 88:86

When you hear the word "freedom" you may think about no rules, no one to look over your shoulder, and the ability to do what ever you want.  It's Paradise!  Now liberty, is a vital part of being free. Free may mean no bonds, but is easy to lose that freedom without liberty.  I see Liberty as a state of being free, and the ability to go to ones limits, while still being responsible with the freedoms you have been given.  Have you ever thought of Liberty as responsibility?  Responsibility can be a word that leaves a bad taste in ones mouth.  But what good is being responsible going to do anyone? It means there are rules.  Well this can be hard to admit, but . . . these rules for freedom and liberty are not there to spoil the fun.  In fact, it is there only to make those good feelings better and help them last longer.

Freedom is great to have, I enjoy it myself.  But without Liberty, or the responsibility to take care of that Freedom, it quickly becomes bondage or bad addicting habits.  There are many things in this world which will turn freedom to bondage in a heartbeat.  Addictive substances such as alcohol, drugs, or pornography, turn you into nothing more than a slave to it.  There isn't any freedom there.  You are always hungry for more, and there is no more satisfaction in life.  Your life is controlled by that vice.  You have allowed the enemy of you soul to take you captive, and he leads you here and there in heavy chains.

Do not suppose what may seem to be freedom trick you into a false sense of security.  The Scriptures show us how to be truly free.  In 2nd Nephi we are told that we have the freedom (the ability to do as we please) to choose liberty or captivity.  In other words, our choices bring happiness or misery.  Each choice we make will build or destroy ourselves.  We have the responsibility to do what's right, but we still have the freedom to do what we want.  But as I said before, when we make bad choices our freedoms become fewer and fewer.  We've all made mistakes but we are not going to be confined to "prison" for eternity.  Christ suffered and died for our mistakes and acts as our mediator between us and our punishments.  He has taken the punishment for our mistakes so it is possible to have freedoms we want.  He also works with us to fix our problems and mistakes so that we can qualify for eternal life.  But the clock is ticking.  If we do not fix ourselves now, it may be too late (Alma 12:24).  But as we repent and do everything in our power to do better, we will have a clean record before the judgement seat.  With that comes the ultimate freedom: Eternal Life.  It truly pays to be good.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"You must get all of the education that you possibly can. Life has become so complex and competitive. You cannot assume that you have entitlements due you. You will be expected to put forth great effort and to use your best talents to make your way to the most wonderful future of which you are capable.  Sacrifice a car; sacrifice anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world. That world will in large measure pay you what it thinks you are worth, and your worth will increase as you gain education and proficiency in your chosen field." - President Gordon B. Hinckley

No one enjoys being called stupid.  We've all been called stupid at least once in our life, and it hurts.  I am sure that everyone wonders why we are called stupid.  This is said when one person believes that another lacks that persons intellectual advantages.  You know that could very well be true.  But it is also false.  One person may be superior in knowledge than one person.  But that person could be strong in knowledge someplace else.  I have places where I'm pretty smart, but I sure can't brag about it because someone else knows a lot more than I do.

In Doctrine and Covenants 130:18 it reads, "Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection."  Everything we learn here on earth is one of the few things we carry with us to heaven.  How it will be used it don't matter.  We are to study as much as possible, and to use it while we are on this earth for good.  Now how do we gain more knowledge?  In verse 19 of the same section reads, "And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come."  Now you may be wondering "why does it say obedience?"  You obviously have to work to gain knowledge of any kind.  But obedience is using that knowledge properly.  You are not going to study computer graphics and start raising cattle.  Since knowledge is universal it doesn't end once you've ended college or finished the text book.

There are levels in knowledge.  Its much like diving.  When you swim you can't see very much of the bottom.  Snorkeling you can see more, but it's not all.  Scuba diving you can see even more, and yet there is still places you can't reach.  There are many levels in learning and understanding of your chosen subject.  As you continue studying in what ever subject you grow in understanding of that subject.  As you apply what you learn that understanding multiplies, not just grow. So what ever subject you may be studying (Science, Theology, Mechanics or Com. Tech to name a few) continue in those studies and use them to build a better world.  Don't settle for what you already have.  Study EVERYTHING!  You might find something that will enhance what you already know and you will be able to communicate better with others.  I really enjoy learning about everything and I've gained a lot of knowledge that build me everyday.  The same could be said for you too.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Not too Close!

I enjoy hearing stories from military personnel who are retired.  It is great to hear their stories and the sacrifices they made for us.  One story came from someone who worked with nuclear weapons in the Navy.  He told me about the Uranium they used and how it was transported.  They carried it in heavy lead cylinders with an iron frame.  The containers were nicknamed "Bird Cages".  These Bird Cages had to be kept a certain distance from each other.  If any of these boxes got too close, and if there was a crack or leak in any of them , a blue arch would jump in between the two containers.  Anyone unfortunate to be in this blue arch would experience hair loss, radiation sickness, and sometimes death.  Survivors were terminated from the military.

We all know what power Nuclear Energy has.  It can be very dangerous, but despite the danger, it has many uses.  Sometimes that power is abused.  Great care must be taken when handling this power.  Like Nuclear energy, we have a special power given to us by God.  That is the power to pro-create, to have children.  However, people who are negligent or misuse this power suffer serious consequences.  Like all dangerous substances, there are laws made for the protection of the handlers.  There may not be any physical dangers, but there are mental or spiritual dangers.  The Law governing this power is called "The Law of Chastity."  This law is not a restriction but a protection for your well being.  God gave us this law so that we could be happy, and still enjoy life.  Every law God creates is not for his own good, but for ours.  The Law of Chastity is:
  • staying away from any sexual intercourse/activity outside of marriage
  • being pure in thought and action
  • Faithfulness to spouse after marriage
  • avoiding the plague of Pornography
  • Modesty in dress and speech
  • No homo-sexual relationships
Now there will be activities that would seem "fun" that would go against everything I put on this list.  Doing the exact opposite of what God wants us to does not bring us happiness (Alma 41:10).  Activities we should participate in, especially when dating, should show respect to the opposite sex and ourselves.
Certain feelings that are felt with the human body are natural, but that doesn't mean we must follow every urge we experience. Elder Jeffery R. Holland, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, said, "Love comes with open hands and open heart. Lust comes only with an open appetite."  Lust will lead us to breaks the law of Chastity and will get us to do things that will bring a lot of pain.  Don't rationalize that what you might be doing is okay.  What may seem as an innocent activity eventually, and often quickly, becomes a big mistake.  The Lord appreciates it when we are chaste.  Being chaste shows the Lord that we care and that we are willing to do as he says to obtain our promised happiness.

Gen. 2:24 & Jacob 3:5-7
Now that I've listed all the bad let me show you the benefits of obeying this law.  When we obey the Law of Chastity we will experience a lot of joy.  We will feel greater love towards our spouse once we are married.  We will have peace of mind, knowing we saved ourselves for our spouse.  The best reward for this is companionship from the Holy Ghost.  Since the Holy Ghost is part of the God head, we are driving it away when we get involved with activities that go against what God has asked of us.  God knows what is good for us and what isn't.  Just like handling uranium without the proper procedures can result in death.  Breaking the law of chastity results in a Spiritual death.  So please be wise when around members of the opposite sex.  There are safety protocols there too.  And they are for your growth and benefit. I can promise you that.

For the youth who want more info on the subject see what the strength of youth pamphlet says on said subjects: Chastity, and Dating.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Slow Down and Enjoy the Scenery

I heard someone tell me a story of a wonderful trip they were able to enjoy.  This person had the opportunity to visit Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.  She told us that she saw many wonderful and beautiful things around her.  The trek was long and hard, but she was blessed to reach the top and enjoy the magnificent view around her.  On her way down she came across two hikers who also made it to the top.  She began telling them all the great things she saw thinking they would share also.  The hikers only said, "What? We didn't see anything like that.  All we saw were rocks and dirt." Why didn't they see what she saw?  They were in a hurry to reach the top.

Some of the most important things only appear as we carefully look for them.  Hurrying through life may get you to your intended destination.  But it will overwhelm your life with everyday things to the point where you miss the things that matter most.  This can easily can be avoided if we just slow down and see the beauty around us.

I enjoy stepping back a bit to see the work I've done.  It's makes me happy inside when I slow down, take a breath and see the hand of God around me.  We are not asked to try and accomplish as much as we can as fast as we can.  When we are in a made rush to get from A to B we miss a lot of good things.  King Benjamin, in the Book of Mormon taught, "it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength."  We should not overburden ourselves with a laundry list of tasks.  But we don't need to idle our time away waiting for something to happen.  Both activities are counter productive.  We should fill our time with productive activities but still leave room for adjustments and balance.  If you are constantly on the go you might miss an opportunity to grow, help someone in need, or avoid a nasty mistake that might be waiting to trip you.  When we are in a big hurry we will often miss important things and will become frustrated.  As you "slow time down" you are able to gain valuble treasures that will help you grow.

So as you are going through your busy lives take a moment and look around.  Listen to the spirit and let it teach you.  Find some one who is having a hard day and lift them higher.  Take a moment and read from the scriptures.  Look for those hidden treasures God has left for you,  In fact, find some time with your family and with those you love.  There is really treasure there.  Bonding with your family is a priceless commodity and cannot be replaced.  As you allow those precious moments to take part in your life, you will find little pieces of gold in your path which will bring true happiness.

Watch this video and see how these individuals found gold.