Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eternal Marriage

There are two things I've heard regarding marriage that I've found interesting.  One is marriage is a "old non-applicable" ideal that has died with the "evolution" of society.  I've also heard that marriage only lasts on earth and cannot last in heaven.  I'm here to say both ideas are wrong.  Marriage is not a dying idea and has eternal truth behind it.  There is a way for it to last beyond mortality, but certain measures must take place.

All of God's commandments have an eternal lifespan.  Marriage is no exception.  Marriages begin the foot work for the building of a family.  God's plan revolves around families because they have a great importance in carrying out his work.  The first marriage began with Adam and Eve.  They were married by God in Eden, and he gave them the commandment to have children.  There is not one instance in the Bible or the Book of Mormon where that commandment has been lifted.  When men come of age they are to leave their parents and marry a woman of his choosing.  Men are to love their wives.  They are to provide, protect and preside over their families.  They are not to exercise unrighteous authority over them, but are to lead and guide with love and compassion.  Women are to care for and nurture their children.  Both are to help and assist each other when needed.  Marriage is the basis for strong families.  Studies have shown that children born to a man and a woman, lawfully wed as husband and wife, have greater chances of success than those born out of wed lock.

How can marriage last beyond the grave?  There is a special power that God has given to man.  It is not some superpower you find in comic books.  This power is called the Priesthood and is only give to men qualified or worthy to carry it.  The Priesthood is the Authority to act in God's name and is very easy to lose.  When Christ was on the earth he gave this power to Peter, and with that is the power to seal.  When a marriage is sealed, by the priesthood, it is fused together for eternity.  This enables a man and a woman to be together for eternity.  This may sound like a curse rather than a blessing to some.  The problem is selfishness.  A marriage is not meant to be a passport to pleasure.  It one of the most beneficial service opportunities as a man and a woman learn to get along and work together.

If a marriage is broken and beyond repair there must be a way to end it.  This is divorce.  To often, however, this is used as a quick fix when there is all possibility to repair damages.  Divorce should only be used when a spouse is unfaithful, abusive, or if there is absolutely no hope in its preservation.  Divorce should not be used over spilt milk.  There are too many people that selfishly get divorced over that reason.  Divorces are damaging.  It hurts not only the individuals breaking up, but also their children and sometimes their other family members.  If marriage problems arise seek council from a licenced marriage counselor or religious leader.  Don't go to your friends.  As a couple bring your problems before God and follow his direction through prayer and listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Marriage is a wonderful thing.  It is going to be hard, but everything that has a strong value comes at a great price.  Gospel study will help strengthen marriage only if those principles are applied and if married couples selflessly serve one another.  God has promised joy in marriage and will assist when needed.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks addresses marriage in these two videos below:
Hear "regular" people talk about selflessness in marriage:
Want to strengthen your marriage or family? Go to and learn more. You can also look at the Family Proclamation given by the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to learn the basic structure of the family.