Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Forgiveness is something I've found to be really difficult.  Sometimes I don't want to forgive this person because they offended or hurt me.  There are times I think it is totally unfair that they get away with it.  But when I think in such a way as that, I'm forgetting the blessings that follow Forgiveness.

Painting by Howard Lyon
There is a story in the New Testament where the Savior was confronted by the Pharisees with a woman caught in the act of Adultery.  In a possible attempt to trick Christ into saying something wrong, they asked what shall we do with this woman?  The response was simple and clear, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."  Condemned by guilt the priests walked away, beginning at the oldest to the youngest.  A woman who committed a great crime was promptly forgiven.  But what responsibility does that leave me?
We are all sinners, and have fallen short of the Glory of God.  But Christ enables us to be exalted so long as we repent and follow him through the Atonement.  However, some of us stop our own progression short.  Forgiveness is letting go of a burden we ourselves taken or others might have given.  It is letting go of the past and moving on with life.  Look at the picture above.  Notice how everyone on the right is carrying a red robe.  The woman is dropping hers.  The red robes represent sin.  The Pharisees are holding on to theirs.  Their pride is keeping them from enjoying the love of the Savior.  By being unforgiving is like holding onto that robe.  The Savior says it best when he asks, why do you judge your fellow men when you are no more perfect than them?
Forgiveness allows us to love our fellow men.  It helps us see the good in others and accepting them as part of God's family.  When we cease to find fault with our neighbor we put on a Mantle of Charity, and wish for their good rather than their punishment.  It uncovers our eyes enabling us to see their true self rather than their outward appearance.  If you really think about it, you don't need to forgive ANYONE.  But God does NOT need to give you ANY of the blessings you would receive if you did forgive.  So if you want God to bless you, or even forgive your wrongs, stop holding onto your hurt and move on.  Why? Because how we judge is how we will be judged in return (See also 3 Nephi 14:1).  It is not our place to judge but God.  Only he knows the truth behind everything.
Stop carrying your stones of hate, shed your robes of sin and hate, and put on a Mantle of Charity.  Stop finding fault with others and learn to love even your enemies.  The Savior did it and he had every reason not to.  But we are required to forgive and we are reward for each of our actions.  The speed of your progression is determined by how my rocks you have in your bag.  Lose those rocks and enjoy the journey.

 See how one man was able to forgive:
Christ Forgives:

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