Saturday, May 12, 2012

Greater than the Enemy before you

There is a story in the bible of Elisha the Prophet that I really enjoy.  The Israelite Nation and the Assyrian's were at war with each other.  At a critical time the Israelite camp was surrounded by the enemy and all hope of victory was gone.  The Servant of Elisha asked in desperation "What are we going to do?"  Elisha responded by saying, "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." Elisha then prayed to God that his servant's eyes could be opened so that he could see.  When the servant looked at the Assyrian army, he saw chariots of fire and the angels of God in greater number than that of the Assyrians.

Joshua 1:9
As we go through life we are going to have times where we feel as if the very world surrounds us giving us no hope for survival.  Standards are dropping, and everyone in the earth seems happy with it.  Many are pressuring you to do the same.  We can catch ourselves asking, "is this right?"  It must seem hopeless to try living in a world where your standards are regarded as pathetic.  But we do not need to despair.  We are not alone to go through blindly.  In fact God has provided us the means so as we are not alone in this world.  Christ told his Apostles after his resurrection, "I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."  The same thing applies to us today.  Christ didn't send us out do the impossible.  He sent us out so that we may learn how we can become like him.  He has already accomplished the impossible.

Even though God will stand by ready to help us when in need, we may be discouraged by what we do not see.  Some of us may believe that we stand alone in a world of changing or different views.  There is a story from President Thomas S. Monson when he was in Navel Boot Camp during WWII.  He was standing at attention with his group when his petty officer began splitting everyone up into their religious groups so they could worship. Catholics to one area, Protestants to another, and Jews to some place else.  President Monson realized he was none of those, and decided to stand there.  He felt alone.

It never crossed his mind that there were others behind him till the Petty Officer ask, “And just what do you guys call yourselves?”  In unison the handful of sailors answered, "Mormons."  The Petty Officer then sent them someplace to where they could worship.

D&C 10:5
You are not the only one who thinks the way you do.  I've felt like I was the only one with my beliefs before.  As I grew older I found more people who felt the same I did, and those times alone helped me treasure the times I was grouped.  If you ever feel like you are completely and utterly alone, turn to the Savior and He will give you comfort and maybe even lead you to others just like you.  Prayer is your most powerful tool God has given you.  Use it.  You don't receive help unless you call for it.  God will send you the help you need when you ask for it.  Don't give up, keep moving forward.  The Reward is near.

For the full story and talk by President Thomas S. Monson, click here.

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