I heard someone tell me a story of a wonderful trip they were able to enjoy. This person had the opportunity to visit Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. She told us that she saw many wonderful and beautiful things around her. The trek was long and hard, but she was blessed to reach the top and enjoy the magnificent view around her. On her way down she came across two hikers who also made it to the top. She began telling them all the great things she saw thinking they would share also. The hikers only said, "What? We didn't see anything like that. All we saw were rocks and dirt." Why didn't they see what she saw? They were in a hurry to reach the top.
Some of the most important things only appear as we carefully look for them. Hurrying through life may get you to your intended destination. But it will overwhelm your life with everyday things to the point where you miss the things that matter most. This can easily can be avoided if we just slow down and see the beauty around us.
I enjoy stepping back a bit to see the work I've done. It's makes me happy inside when I slow down, take a breath and see the hand of God around me. We are not asked to try and accomplish as much as we can as fast as we can. When we are in a made rush to get from A to B we miss a lot of good things. King Benjamin, in the Book of Mormon taught, "it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength." We should not overburden ourselves with a laundry list of tasks. But we don't need to idle our time away waiting for something to happen. Both activities are counter productive. We should fill our time with productive activities but still leave room for adjustments and balance. If you are constantly on the go you might miss an opportunity to grow, help someone in need, or avoid a nasty mistake that might be waiting to trip you. When we are in a big hurry we will often miss important things and will become frustrated. As you "slow time down" you are able to gain valuble treasures that will help you grow.
So as you are going through your busy lives take a moment and look around. Listen to the spirit and let it teach you. Find some one who is having a hard day and lift them higher. Take a moment and read from the scriptures. Look for those hidden treasures God has left for you, In fact, find some time with your family and with those you love. There is really treasure there. Bonding with your family is a priceless commodity and cannot be replaced. As you allow those precious moments to take part in your life, you will find little pieces of gold in your path which will bring true happiness.
Watch this video and see how these individuals found gold.
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