Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vice, Your Wolves

"Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration, that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness. Behold, I say unto you, wickedness was never happiness." - Alma 41:10

In my travels I have talked to hunters and farmers and their most common hate are Wolves.  Why?  Wolves are predators and in order to help preserve the pack they must kill enough animals to feed the pack.  They do not have limits and are constantly hungry.  How does this effect these men?  Wolves will make short work of sheep, cows, horses and dogs in order to eat.  That's why farmers hate wolves.  Hunters hate them because they destroy the game population.  What could be just a pack of five could soon be a pack of fifteen, really fast.  These are pack animals and the more numbers they have, the more work they can accomplish.  I hate to say this but, there doesn't seem to be very much good said about wolves.  Wolves are often used as descriptions for bad things.

Now tell me, what is a vice? A few dictionary definitions would be: an immoral or evil habit or practice, depraved or degrading behavior, or a particular form of depravity.  A vice is destructive as you can see, but what's this have to do with wolves?  Just like wolves will ravage and destroy the country side, a vice of any kind (pornography, excessive drinking, etc.) will ruin and eventually destroy your character.  Before you start throwing rocks at me I want to explain I am not calling for the blood of every wolf I see.  I am making a comparison.  Have you ever watched someone who has allowed vices take over their life?  It's like a horror movie, a hideous transformation takes place as their soul is eaten away by the pitiful behavior that they embraced.

Why would someone want to embrace any kind of destructive behavior?  From my understanding is they either want to fit in with their group of friends or they are trying to find happiness.  Most often they don't find happiness.  It can bring temporary pleasure, but lasting happiness is not there.  Why?  President Ezra Taft Benson said, "You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is Impossible!"  Simply, you cannot embrace a vice without feeling the pain that follows with it.

One small vice can grow to a bigger one and even invite other vices to follow him.  That one will multiply into thousands if not stopped.  However there is a way to escape the dreaded seen before you.  It is not closing the blog page and leaving, but changing yourself.  In 1st Cor. 10:13 says, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."  Look at the picture to your left, things are looking pretty bleak over there for that Buffalo.  God will never allow that to happen so long as you are willing to change.

The Solution: (Repentance)
Christ can help us overcome our struggles,
we just have to reach out to him.
How do you repent?  First, you have to recognize the vice which you have invited into your life.  You cannot fix something that isn't broken.  Next you have to want to change, you need to feel remorse.  Remorse is feeling sorry for what you have done; not because you were caught but because you have displeased God.  It will not change for you, you need to take action NOW.  You'll need to admit your wrong and take responsibility for your actions.  It isn't enough to admit your wrong.  Not only that you need to confess to God and take action to become better.  Action is abandoning the vice.  This may include avoiding certain areas, friends or throwing out certain items in you home to remove your temptations.  Do not procrastinate by saying I'll take care of it tomorrow.  That is rationalization, you would just be making excuses.  The faster you get rid of your temptations the less of a hold it has in staying.  If damages have been made you will need to make restitution, or amends.  That will restore any trust that has been lost.  The last thing you will need to do is continue doing good and avoiding evil.  This is the process of repentance, it doesn't stop there but continues.  We can always become better, and repentance allows that.  Repentance requires faith in Jesus Christ.  When we have fully repented of our sins he takes our burdens upon him and we are able to progress.  So quite simply, a vice or sin will stop your progression.  Repentance clears the way to Eternal Life.

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